Friday 29 July 2011

Fancy a bikini line wax?

But ouch! is your first thought? 

Well.. hot wax is the option for you. To explain it in very simple terms it goes on like caramel and then after a few minutes or so the wax hardens and is just pulled off like that. It only pulls the hairs not your skin,so hurts less and is better for your skin. Less reddening on the skin.
Hot wax works well on small patches, it is difficult to wax large areas at once, it's more time consuming as you need to wait for it to dry.Bikini and underarm are best. The hot wax gets a better grip of the hair than warm wax. It is good for removing shorter hairs. 

I will be honest, you will feel a little tiny sting when it is removed but that is all, nothing compared to warm wax. 

Hope that helps.
Oh and if you try any waxing yourself it will definitely hurt more than getting it done at a salon, so don't let that put you off! 

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